Titl : ‘ ガンジス / Ganges - 木版画 / Woodblock-Print ’
詳細 / Details
木版画 #03 / Woodblock-Print #03
ink on paper, Size: (H) 300 × (W) 450 mm
‘ ガンジス - 木版画 #01-03 / Ganges - Woodblock Print #01-03 ’
■ #01と#02は手すき和紙を使用しました。#03は水彩画用紙を使用。
■ I used Japanese traditional papers for #01 & #02 and #03 is a drawing paper. It took quite a while to back getting used to woodcut, because I have not done it for two years. The drawing line is thinner than my expectation to emphasize woodcut texture, thus I tried to carefully to take the lines of art work by carving knife. And it was my first experience using a traditional paper and good opportunity to experiment how print pressure on a sensitive paper. That is required more practice and validation.